When i'm at school I always like to be prepared for any 'beauty emergency' I (or one of my friends) may have, so in my school bag, I always have a kit of beauty essentials. As we're getting closer to the start of the new school year, I thought i'd share with you what I have in my kit!
Hand Wipes
It's always good to have some wipes in your bag, as you'll never know when you'll need them!
Hair bands
I carry hair bands with me everywhere I go! And seeing as my school are silly and don't let us wear a hair bobble on our wrist if we're also wearing a bracelet, I always keep a few in my bag.
Batiste Dry Shampoo
I love love love dry shampoo! It's a really easy pick me up for your hair after PE or if you're just having a bad hair day.
Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder
If you're a regular reader of my blog you'll know that this is one of my most favourite makeup products in the history of the world. I keep it in my bag so if my skin is looking shiny (particularly in the summer months) I can pop some on.
Dove Deodorant
This is a pretty obvious essential... I particularly love the scent of this Dove 'Go fresh' deodorant, and it does it's job really well!
Soap and Glory 'Hand Maid' Hand Sanitiser
If you're like me and can't stand the smell of hand sanitiser on your hands then try Soap and Glory's 'Hand Maid'. It smells gorgeous whilst keeping your hands super clean!
Topshop Strawberry Mini Milk Lip Balm
Another beauty essential is lip balm! One of my favourites is the Strawberry Mini Milk lip balm from Topshop. I wrote a bit about this in my 'London Beauty and Jewellery Haul' post but this is the loveliest tasting lip balm ever ever ever.
Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer
I seem to spend most of my day reapplying my concealer (oh the joys of having bad skin) so I always carry some around and this is my favourite concealer ever!
Soap and Glory 'Hand Food' Hand Cream
I find that my hands get dry quite easily so I have to keep applying hand cream. The 'Hand Food' hand cream is such a fab product - it works so well and it smells delicious so I can't recommend it more!
Hair Grips
It's always really handy to have a few grips in your bag in case you need to pin your hair back!
Topshop Clear Nail Polish
Clear Nail Polish is fab for applying to any holes in your tights as it stops the hole getting any bigger so I always keep some in my school bag. I also wear it on my nails during the school week as it's clear so the teachers can't tell that i'm wearing any nail polish!
Soap and Glory 'Mist you Madly' Body Spray
Another obvious one! I love this spray so much that I spend my whole life spraying it on myself and it drives my friends insane! It's not the cheapest of body spray but it lasts for ages so it's worth it!
What are your school bag beauty essentials?
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx