Autumn is one of my favourite seasons of the year. The forests are blooming with autumnal touches in hues of red, orange and brown, and the air is crisp and clear. It is the season of cosy nights in snuggled under a blanket; the season of hot drinks; the season where almost every sweet treat contains at least a hint of pumpkin spice.
This time of year can be a busy one. We enjoy the likes of Halloween and Bonfire Night, and we start prepping for the return of the festive season. Am I allowed to say the C word yet? But there's so much to enjoy in this season of crisp leaves and conkers, so I've decided to make a list of all of the things I want to do and see this Autumn.
The world is ever so beautiful at this time of year, with it's red, orange and brown hues and crisp wind. It makes me just want to bundle up and venture outside to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the scenery.
2. Try a 'pumpkin spice' flavoured hot drink.
I can practically hear people loosing their minds at the idea of me having reached twenty years old having never even taken a sip of a pumpkin spice drink. Can I really be a millennial? After seeing the pumpkin spice craze return year upon year, I've decided that Autumn 2018 will be the year I give it a try.
3. Have a Halloween movie night.
I'm not Halloween's biggest fan; I'll be honest. The idea of putting myself in situations designed to scare the heebie jeebies out of me, just does not appeal at all. But I like the concept of Halloween as celebrated when we were kids; with pumpkins, decorations and a sweetie or two. So this Halloween I'm planning a good ol' family friendly movie night, with Hocus Pocus of course being top of my list.
4. Give my home a cosy, autumnal makeover.
It's Autumn, let's bring out the cosy blankets, fall themed bedding and plenty of autumnal candles. I want to create the perfect space for cosy nights in with a hot drink and a movie.
5. Go out for a stroll to pick blackberries.
Picking blackberries is something I really associate with autumnal months during my childhood. I'd take our family dogs out for a long walk with my dad and pick blackberries along the way, which we'd then make into smoothies for a sweet after-tea treat. This is a seasonal traditional I have such fond memories of and this year I'd love to introduce Johnny to it.
Picking blackberries is something I really associate with autumnal months during my childhood. I'd take our family dogs out for a long walk with my dad and pick blackberries along the way, which we'd then make into smoothies for a sweet after-tea treat. This is a seasonal traditional I have such fond memories of and this year I'd love to introduce Johnny to it.
What are you hoping to do this Autumn?

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