It's fair to say that the latter end of 2018 has been a bit hectic. I've moved in with Johnny, upped my hours at work and dove head first into my second year of uni. When you add the likes of Christmas into the mix it's easy to see how time can run away with itself. And what happens when life gets busy busy? Blogging has to take a backseat.
I've grown a lot during the time I've been writing Yours, Chloe. I started blogging at the age of fourteen and have shared my journey into adulthood through the typed word. I've documented leaving school, taking a gap year and moving to uni, and shared the other adventures the past six years have brought along the way.
The type of content I'm making has changed over the years. I've moved away from beauty and fashion posts and started in a new direction which focuses on lifestyle, home and mental well-being with the odd adventure added in here and there. I want to create content that I'm passionate about; content I'm proud to post on this little corner of the internet.
One of my new years resolutions for 2019 is to really get back to this passion of mine. To get back to writing regular, high quality and insightful content. I also want to reignite my passion for blogging, a passion which has been somewhat knocked by the constant pressures surrounding blogging and how to be 'successful'.
2019 is going to be the year that I redefine what blogging success means to me. It doesn't mean having the biggest following or an inbox which overflows with brand opportunities, it means writing regular content which I'm proud of and connecting with a community of like-minded positive people.
2019 is going to be the year that I redefine what blogging success means to me. It doesn't mean having the biggest following or an inbox which overflows with brand opportunities, it means writing regular content which I'm proud of and connecting with a community of like-minded positive people.
So without further ado, I'm ever so glad to welcome you back to Yours, Chloe and I do hope you'll stay. If you have a spare five minutes, why don't you make yourself a hot drink (I myself are quite partial to a fudge hot chocolate) and delve into the history of my rambles. Here are a handful of my favourite posts to get you started:
Slow Weeks By The Sea | On Finding Confidence In Front Of The Camera | The Importance of Avoiding Comparison in Blogging | Twenty Things I've Learnt In Twenty Years | Is It Right To Feel Envious As A Blogger? | Is There A Right Age To Get Married? 5 Things To Do When You're Feeling Overwhelmed | The Power of The Great Outdoors