It has recently dawned on me that I turn twenty in just over six months. I'm gearing up for the end of my teenage years. Sure, I may have almost a decade before I plan on even considering 'settling down' with a family etc. but there are so many amazing things that I'd love to achieve and experience before that day comes.
I'm all about planning ahead. My head is a constant array of lists of things that I want to see; places I want to go; people I want to spend my days with. The concept of my life truly being whatever I make it to be really fascinates me and I know I owe it to myself to make it an incredible one. Sadly, my constant focus on what lies ahead does sometime hinder my ability to live in the moment and seize the day, but that is why I love concepts such as bucket lists and the 101 in 1001 project.
One of my September goals was to really seize the day and enjoy new opportunities, and I feel like starting a 101 in 1001 project is a great way to do this. When this project finishes I will be twenty two and graduating from university - what a scary thought!
The 101 in 1001 project was created by the Day Zero Project and is rather brilliant, if you ask me. Tens of thousands of people have given themselves the challenge of creating and completing a list of realistic yet stretching tasks that interest and excite them. The 1001 day time period provides the key to beating procrastination whilst still making it achievable.
I've tried to make sure that every single one of the things on this little list of mine are realistic in the space of time that I have to work with and - fingers crossed - they all will be. I'm looking forward to pushing myself out of my comfort zone and finally getting around to do so many of the things I've been aspiring to for years. I've also tried to include many ideas that can be done within a group (whether it be friends or family) because life's better when you've got someone to enjoy it with, isn't it?
Start Date: 6th September 2017
End Date: 3rd June 2020
One of my September goals was to really seize the day and enjoy new opportunities, and I feel like starting a 101 in 1001 project is a great way to do this. When this project finishes I will be twenty two and graduating from university - what a scary thought!
The 101 in 1001 project was created by the Day Zero Project and is rather brilliant, if you ask me. Tens of thousands of people have given themselves the challenge of creating and completing a list of realistic yet stretching tasks that interest and excite them. The 1001 day time period provides the key to beating procrastination whilst still making it achievable.
I've tried to make sure that every single one of the things on this little list of mine are realistic in the space of time that I have to work with and - fingers crossed - they all will be. I'm looking forward to pushing myself out of my comfort zone and finally getting around to do so many of the things I've been aspiring to for years. I've also tried to include many ideas that can be done within a group (whether it be friends or family) because life's better when you've got someone to enjoy it with, isn't it?
Start Date: 6th September 2017
End Date: 3rd June 2020
In Progress
1. Go on a road trip around the UK
2. Visit Disneyland
3. See the Sun rise over Stonehenge
4. See more of Europe
5. Visit the Anne Frank House, Amsterdam
6. Travel first class
7. See the Northern Lights
8. Take my sister away for the weekend
9. Go glamping
10. Visit Paris
11. See Giant's Causeway
12. Stay in the Hard Days Night Hotel, Liverpool (again)
13.Visit Italy
14. Go on a mother-daughter trip
15. See more of the UK
16. Go on a spontaneous trip
17. Visit a Christmas market abroad
18. Stay in Portmeirion (again)
19. Visit Madam Tussauds
20. Visit the Lavender Fields, Banstead, England
Events and Attractions
21. Go to a drive-in movie
22. Attend a fashion show
23.Go to Clothes Show Live
24. Watch a movie at the hot tub cinema
25. Attend a music festival
26. Throw a surprise party
27. Go to IMATS
28. Watch five new-to-me musicals in the West End
29. Attend the filming of a TV show
30. See Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in the theatre
31. Try an escape room
32. Try 10 new restaurants
32. Try 10 new restaurants
33. Attend a murder mystery dinner
34. Watch Les Miserables in the West End
35. Attend a blogging event
36. Visit the Warner Bros Studio Tour again (especially at Christmas)
37. Attend a vintage fair
38. Go to a concert
39. Attend the first screening of a new film
40. Throw a dinner party
41. Attend a film festival
42. Visit a book market
43. See a traditional Christmas pantomime
44. Go on the Jack The Ripper Walking Tour, London
45. Plan a surprise day out for someone
46. Read 100 new books
47. Learn to cook a signature dish
48. Begin to learn a new language
49. Complete 10 DIY projects (Pinterest sourced; most likely)
50. Improve my photography skills
51. Take a cocktail making class
52. Start dancing again
53. Put together a scrapbook
54. Refurbish a Car Boot Sale find
55. Learn basic sign language
56. Go to a book signing
57. Ask 20 friends for a book recommendation and read them all.
Health, Beauty and Fitness
58. Go to the gym 3 times a week for a month
59. Try a new sport
60. Try Zumba
61. Take part in the Moonwalk in London
62. Complete the Couch to 5K Challenge
63. Try pole fitness
64. Take part in a fun run
65. Take vitamins religiously
66. Complete a Juice Cleanse
67. Try a Barre Class
68. Be able to do the splits
69. Do the Race for Life
70. Eat no fast food for a month
71. Drink 2 litres of water a day for a month
72. Answer the '50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind'
73. Go hiking
74. Experience a floatation tank
Education and Work
75. Graduate from University
76. Secure a graduate job
77. Volunteer for a cause I'm passionate about
78. Work at a Summer Camp
79. Complete an advanced first aid course
80. Take 10 classes/workshops to learn new skills
81. Create the perfect workspace/desk
82. Reach 1000 blog followers
83. Blog everyday for a month
84. Have professional photos taken
85. Send more handwritten notes and cards
86. Ride a Segway
87. Write a letter to my future self
88. Ride a Quad Bike
89. Complete a colouring book
90. Adopt an endangered animal
91. Wake up early to watch the sunrise
92. Learn to drive
93. Ride in a hot air balloon
94. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon
95. Go indoor rock-climbing
96. Buy a lottery ticket
97. Order room service
98. Leave an inspirational message in a public place
99. Learn self defence
100. Put a secret in a balloon and let it fly away
101. Do something I'm afraid of
I plan on documenting most - if not all - of these things here on my blog so you can join me on my little adventure. To be honest I think the potential for some rather wonderful blog and Instagram posts will further motivate me to really get my derriere in gear and get cracking on the list.