Way back in January, I started 2023 by setting seven bookish resolutions and sharing them in a blog post. Click here to read it. Now we've reached the end of the year and that little lull between Christmas and New Year which is the perfect time to pause and reflect, I thought I'd review them and share how I've got on.
I will also be sharing my 2024 bookish resolutions in a post in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
Read 52 books
I am very proud to say that, for the first time ever, I have not only reached my 2023 book goal but I have also surpassed it. Although I'm hoping to squeeze an extra book or two in before we ring in 2024, to date I have read 72 books!
One thing which has really helped me to increase the amount I am reading was reading more e-books. Prior to 2023 I was a firm member of team 'I can only read physical books' but reading more ARCs this year has meant that I've had to make a switch to e-books, all read on my iPad. I don't know what the science behind it is but I read so much quicker when reading electronically so have been able to whizz through so many extra books this year!
Read One Chapter A Day
This is a goal which I have mostly stuck to. There have been odd days where I just haven't felt up to reading but for the majority of the year I have stuck to my aim of reading at least one chapter a day. Making a hot drink, grabbing a biscuit or two and cosying up in bed to read has become a permanent part of my daily night-time routine and this is something I plan on continuing into 2024.
Branch Out And Explore New Genres
In 2023 I wanted to expand my reading repertoire and explore a range of genres, rather than sticking solely to my beloved historical fiction. After consulting my trusty StoryGraph app, I can confirm that I have read the following genres this year: romance, historical fiction, young adult, contemporary fiction, LGBTQIA+ fiction, graphic novels, thrillers, mystery, middle grade, self help and memoirs. Not a bad range!
Diversify My Reading List
In this resolution I aimed to read more books written by BAME authors, books featuring BAME characters, books with trans and non-binary representation and books with disabled representation. I have succeeded in reading more books with a range of representation, and even added in an option on the right hand side of my blog for readers to sort my book reviews by different representation. But I would like to continue to diversify my reading even further in the next year particularly in regards to BAME authors and characters. If anyone has any book recommendations please let me know!
Create A Physical TBR Database
My next bookish resolution was to create a database of the books I own, which can be sorted by author, genre and whether or not I have read it yet. Although it was a timely process, I completed this earlier in the year and have continued to add to it and when I've purchased new books. It's been an incredibly useful resource already for referring to when I'm out book shopping and can't remember if I already own a particular title.
Publish Regular Bookish Blog Posts
One of my biggest goals of 2023 was to maintain a regular posting schedule here on Yours, Chloe, including posting regular bookish content. I've posted a grand total of 55 book reviews this year, definitely achieving that goal. You can find all of them in my blog archive on the right hand side of my blog.
Moving forward into 2024 I am aiming to extend my bookish blog posts outside of book reviews into other content such as monthly reading roundups and book suggestions linked to different themes.
Did you sent any bookish resolutions this year?