I am naturally quite a worried person. I tend to get incredibly stressed over tiny insignificant things, and spend half of my life overthinking every little detail. But it's beginning to become clear to me that when it all comes down to it, worrying serves absolutely no purpose.
Getting your knickers in a twist (bizarre saying of the week) isn't going to effect the outcome of the supposed thing so - when it all comes down to it - what's the point? I'd much rather face said problem with my 'calm hat' on and, if any issues do occur, cross that bridge when I come to it. To be completely honest, worrying normally adds to the problem and makes issues seem much worse than they truly are. A rather beautiful Swedish proverb states that “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” and I think that really sums it up nicely.
Look at it like this: chances are if you let yourself become anxious about a possible situation, you're unlikely to look after yourself as well as you should do. I know that when my anxiety is at its peak, I don't look after myself properly. I don't get anywhere near as much sleep as I should and in some cases my eating habbits change too. If you let yourself become run down due to constant worrying, you're most definitely not going to be in your best shape to tackle the problem. But, if you look after your mind and body, you're going to be considerably better prepared to face any issues.
So next time you begin to feel those little butterflies in your stomach making a reappearance, please remember that worrying isn't going to change the outcome, so you're far better off digging out your imaginary suit of armour and facing the problem head on. Just ride the wave. Most of the time things are never anywhere near as bad as they may seem, but even if they are it's much better to be prepared when tackling them.
Catch up on the rest of this month's posts: