Message From The Editor: 2016 is the year that I turn the grand old age of eighteen (I know - young blogger alert). I'm a May baby so I have roughly four months and counting until adulthood begins and to say I feel unprepared is the understatement of the century. It's fair to say that I feel desperately in need of some advice and wisdom from those who have already completed this year of their life, so in my time of need I have turned to the blogging community. For the foreseeable future, every Sunday here on Yours Chloe is going to play host to a different guest blogger who have taken the time to compose a letter to their eighteen-year-old self sharing some of the wisdom they have amassed in their years since turning 18. Some of the letters have taken on themes such as relationships, education, friendships etc. and some of the letters have simply combined said topics and more to create a collection of general pieces of advice. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each of the posts I've been sent for this series and I really do hope you have a similar experience, regardless of the place in life you currently find yourself at. Yours, Chloe x
Being 18 feels like a
lifetime ago.
My life was so
different when I was 18. I was in high school, I was in a happy relationship
and I had the best group of friends. Everything was pretty much as I wanted it
to be.
Fast forward 5 years
later, and I'm in university, single and with a very different and much smaller
group of friends. I don't mind it, that's just how life goes.
If there is one thing,
I wish I could tell my 18 year old self, it is to enjoy life more. Go out more,
laugh more, and be more spontaneous. Heck, even study more because in the end
you'll thank yourself for it.
Appreciate the friends
you have because as soon as you're not in the same school anymore, you will
lose some of them. It's the sad truth but a truth nonetheless. Life goes on,
trust me.
Build up and explore
exciting and challenging hobbies, who knows where it might take you one day?
Say a big f-you to
every person who tries to knock you down, betrays your trust or hurt you in any
other way. It is so not worth staying friends with people who doesn't bring you
happiness anymore. Some people are only present in your life for a short period
of time, and that's normal. I never knew just how normal that is, and I wish I
Travel as much as you
can. Travelling is the most life changing thing I have ever done. I pushed so
many boundaries, I grew as a person and I started to get a grasp of who I am.
Travel, travel, travel. Your future self will love you for it.
Study/work with
whatever you want. Don't let ANYONE tell you what to do, how to do it and when
to do it. It's your life. I didn't figure out what I wanted to do with my life
until I was almost 22. I took two gap years, travelled, worked, and made
memories. If I hadn't taken those two years off I would never have gone to that
many concerts, and I would never have figured out that live music is what I
want to work with.
But in all honesty, if
there is only one thing I could tell my 18 year old self - and every 18 year
old reading this - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Trust your gut in every aspect of life.
Listen to what other have to say but make decisions that work for you. You're
the leading role in your own life not just an extra in others.
I spend way too long
doing what was convenient for everyone else, and it's so not worth it.
Be humble, stay true
to who you are, and most importantly - learn who you are.
Tess writes a music and lifestyle blog at
(2018 Update: Tess' Blog is no longer live.)