I'm rather unsociable. From the amount of time I spend on my phone, it may look like I have a billion and one people to be texting and countless sassy tweets waiting to be sent, but albeit that is occasionally the case, I'm probably just on pinterest. Pinterest is my one true love in the app world.
Who could have possibly thought pinning countless pictures to a selection of boards could be so god damn satisfying? I definitely didn't have a clue what a wonderful world pinterest is when I first clicked download, but I'm hooked.
Here's just a handful of the beautiful pins that have particularly taken my fancy over the past month:
1 - Getting all my summer outfit preparations done a few months early. I can already tell I'm going to be loving dungaree style playsuits this summer season.
2 - Amen. This quote is so perfect for really instilling a bit of girl power.
3 - I'm really getting back into doing lots of DIY bits and bobs, and I'd do love to combine my love of crafting and photography by creating my own version of this stunning polaroid photo map. It would look so pretty feature piece in a bedroom or reception room in a house.
4 - Isn't this ponytail just envy inducing?
5 - Another pinterest love of mine is wedding boards. Yes, yes, I know, I'm sixteen and weddings probably shouldn't be on my radar at all but I've always been one of those girls who knows exactly what they'd like from their big day.
6 - I've become rather addicted to pinning pictures of stylish little tattoos as of late. I'll be the first to admit that this is indeed rather out of character for someone with a needle phobia like myself who would never ever ever even consider choosing to set foot near a needle. But I will say that I do think little tattoos like this one are beautiful, even if the process in which they are produced makes me squirm.
If you fancy having a nosey at a further selection of my favourite pins, you can find my pinterestprofile here.
Are you a pinterest addict?