As part of my "Let's Have a Little Chat" post from yesterday, I asked for you lovely people to send in some questions for me to answer as part of my special 1st blogging birthday Q&A session (oh yes, it's in italics - it's that important).
I have had a few questions from the post and twitter but I desperately need more for it to be a proper post! They can be about anything - beauty, fashion, lifestyle, my life etc.
I'm hoping to write the post on Saturday, which is why I'm pushing to get lots of questions asap! If you want to help me out, please can you comment one (or multiple, multiple is good) question/s for me to use!
I'm planning on sharing the links of the people who send me in questions, as part of the post so you'll get to advertise your blog for free if you do me this favour!
So yes, please please please with a cherry on top, comment some questions!
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
Let's Have A Little Chat (1st Birthday, Q&A, YouTube etc)
(Photo: WeHeartIt)
I haven't done a proper chit chat post before but I have quite a few little things to tell you so I thought I'd give one a go! Sorry if you're not into these chatty posts but it just seems easier for me to put all of my 'news' in one post rather than chucked in at the end of a few normal posts. So let's get started...
1st Birthday
RealityLeavesLotsToImagination turns 1 on Friday (1st November)! The past year has absolutely shot past but it's been amazing. As I write this, I have 78 followers, and whilst to some bloggers that may seem like nothing, it is a huge achievement for me! When I started blogging I didn't think 20 people would care about my thoughts/feelings/opinions let alone almost 80. Thank you so so so much for sticking with me and taking the time and the effort to read my ramblings, I can't describe how much it means to me. Every time my phone flashes up to tell me I have a new comment or a new follower, I just can't help but smile because I never thought this blog would last as long as it has, let alone be as successful as it has been. Hopefully I'll reach the 100 followers milestone in the not so distant future (I'm thinking a possible giveaway when I reach my goal?) which is a daunting yet exciting idea. Thanks again to all of you who have read my posts, commented and followed me over the past year. It's been a rollercoaster of a journey but I've really grown to love blogging and I really hope I'll still be here next year.
A Fantastic New Youtuber
This little bit isn't about me, it's about an amazing friend of mine Hannah. Hannah is a lovely lovely lovely person and she recently started a youtube channel, FabulousHannah! She posted her first video today and it's fantastic so please go check it out. And while you're there, I think you should give her channel a bit of love - subscribe, like and comment away! I really think Hannah is going to be huge in the YouTube world, just you wait and see.
Hannah's channel
The Video
Q&A Post?
Last of all, I wanted to talk about a post idea I've had. I was thinking about how many of you have subscribed to my blog fairly recently, so might not know that much about the person behind this blog (me)! I've decided to do a bit of a Q&A (question and answer) post at some point in the next few days answering any questions you have. I'll answer questions about anything and everything, beauty/fashion/lifestyle or anything else! If you have a question (and please please ask something if you can, it'll be a pretty crappy post if I have like 2 questions) just comment on here or drop me and email and i'll answer it! Thanks in advance x
I have recently joined the British Blogger Selection, which is a fantastic group of british bloggers ran by the lovely Ellie! Here's what Ellie says about it ~
"If you participate in #BritishBloggerSelection, you'll get more blog traffic, friends with bloggers you probably didn't even know existed!
How this works: Each week on Saturday I'll send you a theme to blog about and from there you blog about whatever you want related to that theme! You don't have to participate in this every week, just participate when you feel ready! No one's forcing you to do it every week!It really needs more members so I think you should all join! If you want to take part just get in contact with Ellie and send her your blog URL, blog name and your first and last name and she will add you in! The details of getting into contact with her are on her blog!
You can find out a bit more about it here.
I think that's it! Chances are when I post this i'll think of 10 more things I needed to say but for now that's it!
Please remember to comment questions for my Q&A post, and go check out Hannah's channel and the British Blogger Selection!
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
Well Hey There Autumn
What is this? Two posts this weekend? I honestly don't think this has ever happened before! It's probably down to the fact that I should be revising for my exams in two weeks but as per usual i'm procrastinating and doing everything I possibly can to avoid revising (I promise I'll get round to it tomorrow, don't worry).
At 2am this morning (Sunday 27th October 2013) British Summer officially came to an end. You could almost hear the joyful screams of teenagers all over the country, last night, at the news that we got an extra hour in bed.
But now summer is officially over (although when it comes to the weather, summer ended about a month and a half ago) we're into the autumn/winter period. Personally, this is one of my favourite times of year, for a few reasons, and I thought I'd share some of those reasons with you!
Everyone loves a good old cosy oversized jumper during winter! They're so cuddly and comfy and they look so cute!
I think Autumn is the prettiest time of year (except for maybe winter when we have really heavy snow, but that rarely actually happens) when all the leaves are gorgeous shades of orange, red and brown and they all fall off the trees.
Autumn/Winter is the time of year when all the candles in my room make a re-appearance and are used non stop. Yankee Candles are my favourite candles in the whole world, especially they're Christmas scents, so I spend most of my life in the cute gift section of my local antiques centre (also known as Yankee Candle heaven) buying far too many candles.
One of my favourite holidays (is it a holiday? I think it is...) apart from Christmas! I've always loved fireworks and how pretty they are. I can remember one bonfire night when I was younger, I went on a walk around my local village in the dark with my guide pack and about 100+ rainbows/brownies/guides with lanterns, and then we watched the firework display. It was beautiful and I wish I could do it every year!
I love Halloween. It's a holiday were it's completely ok to eat far too many sweets, what's not to love? One aspect of Halloween I especially like are the Halloween films you always see around this time of year. My all time favourite has to be Hocus Pocus!
Although I drink hot chocolate all year round, there's something special about a lovely warm mug of it at this time of year.
I'm not going to put Christmas on this list, purely because i'll be here forever talking about how much I love it! But one of my favourite parts of Christmas is the Christmas music! I think it becomes ok to openly listen to Christmas music in November, although I rarely follow that rule (I'm actually listening to it now oops). It really helps you to get in a festive Christmassy mood and I think each Christmas song has a particular memory of listening to it/singing it etc that comes with it, which is fab.
If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll know I'm obsessed with Lush! They do the most amazing Christmas products ever ever ever and I just love them so much. To be honest, Lush is the reason I never have any money in the winter! I'm going to Lush at some point in the next week to splurge on their Christmassy goodies so I'll do a haul.
Autumn/Winter is roast dinner season for me, as I seem to eat more roast dinners in November and December than I do in the rest of the year! I love a good roast dinner so this excites me so much!
What are your favourite things about Autumn/Winter?
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
P.S: My blog turns 1 on Friday! Any ideas for something special I could do?x
My Most Used Nail Polishes
I don't think I've done a proper beauty related post in a while so I thought I'd jump on the 'My Nail Polish Collection' bandwagon! I've seen so many posts on this topic floating about all over the blogging world and I absolutely love them as I'm one of those nosy people who loves sneaking a peak at other people's beauty products.
I have a stupid number of nail products so if I tried to share every single polish with you we'd be here forever, so I thought I'd just talk about my most used polishes!
I keep all of the nail polishes I use regularly in this gorgeous vintage sweetie tin that I picked up from an antiques centre for about £9.00. It's the perfect size and shape to fit all the products in, but the only downside is that my polishes are too tall so the lid doesn't fit on!
These polishes are in no particular order, I've just popped them all in there randomly!

Nails Inc. for InStyle "You're a Peach"
This is one of my newest polishes that I got in a beauty bundle from ebay. It's a stunning peach colour that got quite a lot of use in the late summer months!
Rimmel 60 Seconds "740 Clear"
This has to be my favourite clear nail varnish, it lasts so long and the quick dry element is so helpful! I wear it for school to keep my nails looking lovely.
Topshop Nails "Flamingo Coral"
I brought this beauty when I went to London in the summer and it was featured in my London Beauty and Jewellery Haul. This polish is a stunning coral colour and, as with all the Topshop nail polishes, it lasts for ages!
Natural Collection "Peach Manicure"
Natural Collection nail polishes are my favourite budget nail polishes! They're so cheap (about £1.50 each) and they're such beautiful colours. This beautiful pale pink shade is my personal favourite.
Rimmel 60 Seconds Polish "Princess Pink"
This shade reminds me of Essie Ballet Slippers (it's a light pink shade - although it does look quite peachy on the photo), just a lot cheaper! I love the Rimmel 60 Seconds Polish as they're such good quality polishes, as well as being fast drying.
Topshop Matte Nails "Dress Up"
This is my most used dark shade and I already know it's going to be constantly used in the winter! It's a stunning red shade and it's a matte polish which is fab! This has to be one of my most favourite Topshop polishes.
Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint "Lynchee"
"Lynchee" is the shade currently on my nails and I have fallen in love with it! I brought it from Superdrug a few weeks ago and it's the most perfect nude shade. This is going to be another polish I'm constantly wearing in the winter!
MUA "Top Clear Coat"
I don't usually wear a topcoat purely because I don't really notice a difference in my nails or the amount of time the polish lasts after I've used it. But I like to use a topcoat if I've painted my nails for a special occasion so I have the MUA topcoat. It's a brilliant and has made me really want to try out more of the MUA products.
Models Own Scented Nail Polish "Strawberry Tart" and "Grape Juice"
I've decided to talk about these two polishes together because they're the same polish in two different shades! These were my staple nail polishes in the summer. They're stunning pastel shades that have the added bonus of smelling like fruit! I found these polishes lasted quite a while and it only took two coats to get a good solid colour. The only downside is, they don't dry very quickly (something I learnt when I left the house with slightly wet nails and got on a train - they were destroyed).
Maybelline Forever Strong Super Stay Nail Colour "Mint For Life"
I'm not going to ramble on about this polish too much as I did a full review a few months ago (which you can read here) but this is a fab polish in a beautiful mint shade that lasts for ages and is just amazing!
Maybelline Colour Show "Muave Kiss"
This is a stunning brown shade that is absolutely perfect for winter! As usual with Maybelline products, it's a really good quality polish with a lovely finish that lasts for so long. It takes about 3 coats to get a good solid colour but apart from that it's the perfect polish!
So that's the run down of my most used nail polishes! I'm hoping to pick up some more darker shades ready for the winter months we're getting in to so i'll do some sort of nail polish haul when I get round to doing that.
What are your most used nail polishes?
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
P.S: If you have any post requests, just let me know and i'll give it a go!
Halloween Nail Inspiration
Happy Halloween!
I know, I know, it's not Halloween for another week but I'm getting excited ok? I love Halloween - who wouldn't love a holiday where you just get to eat lots of lovely sweets?
For the last few weeks I've been madly pinning lots and lots of lovely Halloween things on pinterest (if you don't follow me you can find me here) and one thing that has really caught my eye are spooky Halloween nails!
I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit rubbish when it comes to painting my nails. I don't have the patience to spend ages making sure my nails are perfect so I normally just give my nails a few coats of a lovely plain polish and let that be that. But I'm really interest in boosting my nail decorating ability and I think Halloween is a perfect time to try some techniques out!
Here are a few of the Halloween nails that have caught my eye ~
A gorgeous cat print!
The red and nude work so well together - such a fantastic blood based look!
I'm not normally a fan of nails in green and orange shades but these three colours work so well together in a spooky patchwork style.
This is my favourite of all the nails I found - the orange of the pumpkins contrasts so well with the white and the placing of the little pumpkins is so cute! I might just have to try this out!
Are you going to be doing anything special with your nails this Halloween?
Lots of love
Chloe xxx
All I Hope To Do In Lists
I love making lists. I could honestly spend my whole live simply making lists. I make To Do lists, To Buy lists, To Remember lists; if there's a reason to make a list I do it. I find having lists helps me to keep my mind clear my head of worries and it makes sure I complete every task I need to do, which makes life so much simpler.
I recently came across this beauty of a book online and I thought I'd share it with you because it just makes me so happy. "My Future Listography" is an amazing addition to the much loved Listography series. If you're not familiar with the series, it's a collection of books for you to create lists about various aspects of life. They include Love, Music, Friends, Films and Future (which is the one I have).
Let's get this straight from the start, in know way have I been asked by the company to write this post, and I am not gaining any money or anything from it. This is just me, sharing one of the things I'm loving at the moment, for your enjoyment (I hope).
This book lets you make around 150 lists on a range of different topics to do with the future, which range from normal things like the cities you want to visit and things you want to do for future birthdays, to the more out there wacky topics like events you want to time travel to. Part of why I love this series so much is each of the lists have the cutest little drawings next to them of examples of what to put in the list. Some of them are just so adorable I'm actually tempted to photocopy them and stick them up in my room... if that's not weird.
I haven't managed to fill many of the pages yet as I'm putting lots of thought and effort into the lists. I'm trying to use this properly and add things i actually want to do/see/achieve rather than just writing stuff down for the hell of it.
I have to say I have fallen in love with the listography books and i can really see myself purchasing a few more of these beauties very very soon. I'd really recommend these books to any fellow organisation freak and If you want to get yourself a copy of one of them, the cheapest way of getting them is from Amazon - if you just search listography, you'll find them all.
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
Meet The Blogger Tag
This tag was done by the lovely Bess on her fab blog (go check it out - it's great) and I thought it looked like such a fun tag so I'm going to give it a go!
Do you normally sleep with your closet door open or closed?
Always Closed.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioners from hotels?
No, I don't like using them so I don't see the point in taking them for no reason.
Where is your next vacation?
My next planned holiday is to Derbyshire for my grandma's birthday next February, but my next proper holiday abroad is probably going to be to Greece (fingers crossed).
Who do you think reads these?
I'm not sure - hopefully someone!
Do you have a calendar in your room?
Nope, I just use my diary and the calendar on my phone.
What's your plan for the day?
Well it's almost 5pm so not much for the rest of the night!I just have a meeting at school about a trip to France I'm going on in a few weeks and then I'll just chill for the rest of the evening.
Are you reading any books right now?
I'm actually not, which isn't normally me! But I have a list of books I want to read so I might get cracking at one of them.
Do you ever count your steps as you walk?
Sometimes I try but I usually end up almost falling over because I'm not concentrating on where I'm going so I try to avoid doing it.
Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
Occasionally the dance in me appears and I just start dancing!
Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Eww no.
What is your "song of the week"?
This is less of a song more of an album but I'm loving the songs from the Glee Beatles episodes!
Is it ok for guys to wear pink?
I think it depends on the guy - some can pull it off, others can't.
Do you still watch cartoons?
Only if my sister is watching them and I'm in the room.
What do you drink with dinner?
If I'm at home I drink water, but if I'm out somewhere I'll drink coke.
What do you dip chicken nuggets in?
Nothing! I don't like many dips/sauces.
What is your favourite food/cuisine?
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
So many! The Harry Potter Films, Titanic, 21 Jump Street, The Vow, and most of the huge rom-com movies!
What was the last thing you wrote on a letter to someone on paper?
I actually can't remember the last letter I wrote!
Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Pop Tarts, or a full English breakfast (preferably from Little Chef)
What is your usual bedtime?
Any time between 10 and 11 on a school night, later at the weekend.
Are you lazy?
Not really...
Afraid of Heights?
I'm actually not too bad when it comes to heights, it's small spaces I can't deal with.
Occupations you wanted to have when you were a kid?
Absolutely everything... a princess, a pop star, a vet - all of the common childhood dreams.
Hot tea or cold tea?
No tea at all!
Tea or Coffee?
I don't drink either!
Favourite kind of cookie?
Double chocolate! Or the Millie's Cookies white chocolate ones!
Can you swim well?
I can, yes.
Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?
Who do you want to see right now?
A certain special guy... not naming names.
I tag you all to do this!
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
Autumn/Winter Nail Polish Wishlist
Apologies for the lack of proper blog posts over the last week or so, I've come to a conclusion that my laptop hates me! It's been point blank refusing to charge but it's starting to behave again so hopefully i'll get going again. But anyway, let's get on to the post...
Back in August I did a 'Summer Nail Polish Wishlist' of all the summer shades I wanted to try out that season (if you missed it you can find it here). It was full of pastel shades, perfect for the summer period, but as we're now getting into the autumn/winter months (hasn't the weather in the UK been awful this week? I should know; I'm the one who never remembers to take an umbrella to school oops.) we're getting into the darker nails time of year so I thought I'd do an Autumn/Winter Nail Polish Wishlist! So many of these nail products were featured in Zoella's 'Autumn and Winter Essentials' video but she has such a perfect taste in absolutely everything! Here we go ~
1. Topshop 'Beige' Nail Polish
2. Essie 'Bahama Mama' Nail Polish
3. Bobby Brown Glitter Nail Polish
4. O.P.I 'First Date At The Golden Gate' Nail Polish
5. Essie 'Miss Fancy Pants' Nail Polish
6. China Glaze 'Vintage Vixen' Nail Polish
What's on your autumn/winter nail polish wishlist?
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
Too Much Infomation Tag
So one of my favourite bloggers Cariad (her blog is fabulous - go check it out) recently did the 'Too Much Information Tag' and although I wasn't tagged, I thought it looked like a fun thing to do while I have a few spare minutes! Here we go...
1. What are you wearing?
Well I'm currently at a party (I'm not supposed to be on my phone ssshhh) so I'm wearing a black and white polka dot 50's style dress!
Well I'm currently at a party (I'm not supposed to be on my phone ssshhh) so I'm wearing a black and white polka dot 50's style dress!
2. Ever been in love?
Nope. I'm only 15 and I don't really think you can really truly be in love until you're slightly older, but that's just my opinion.
Nope. I'm only 15 and I don't really think you can really truly be in love until you're slightly older, but that's just my opinion.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup?
4. How tall are you?
I'm not 100% sure but i'm around 5"8, possibly 5"7, I don't know. All I know i'm pretty tall compared to most girls my age.
I'm not 100% sure but i'm around 5"8, possibly 5"7, I don't know. All I know i'm pretty tall compared to most girls my age.
5. How much do you weigh?
I tend to not really weigh myself as I think it makes you too conscious about your weight so I don't actually know!
I tend to not really weigh myself as I think it makes you too conscious about your weight so I don't actually know!
6. Any tattoos?
7. Any piercings?
Just my ears.
Just my ears.
8. OTP?
Zalfie of course! How can you not love them? Especially now we know they're actually together! I don't agree with the constant zalfie comments on every single youtube video they're in though.
Zalfie of course! How can you not love them? Especially now we know they're actually together! I don't agree with the constant zalfie comments on every single youtube video they're in though.
9. Favourite Show?
I have so many! It normally depends on the mood i'm in but I love comedy shows like Celebrity Juice and Family Guy. I also love more dramatic shows like Glee, and all those reality shows like Don't tell the bride and Magaluf Weekender. One show i'm really getting into is Bad Girls, which is a 90's/early 00's show set in a womens prison, that's being shown one episode a night on a channel I can't remember the name of! I tend to find that I actually prefer older shows than newer ones to be honest.
I have so many! It normally depends on the mood i'm in but I love comedy shows like Celebrity Juice and Family Guy. I also love more dramatic shows like Glee, and all those reality shows like Don't tell the bride and Magaluf Weekender. One show i'm really getting into is Bad Girls, which is a 90's/early 00's show set in a womens prison, that's being shown one episode a night on a channel I can't remember the name of! I tend to find that I actually prefer older shows than newer ones to be honest.
10. Favourite Bands?
McFly and R5, with a little bit of my old Busted cd's added in there sometimes.
McFly and R5, with a little bit of my old Busted cd's added in there sometimes.
11. Something you miss?
I really miss what school was like in year 9, where we didn't have to worry about exams and we studied every subject. I was in an amazing class for most of my subjects and I really miss our lessons together.
I really miss what school was like in year 9, where we didn't have to worry about exams and we studied every subject. I was in an amazing class for most of my subjects and I really miss our lessons together.
12. Favourite song?
It's actually impossible for me to answer that question, I love too many!
It's actually impossible for me to answer that question, I love too many!
13. How old are you?
14. Zodiac Sign?
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Someone who can make me laugh, and someone I feel completely comfortable around! Looks are also a great thing too of course.
Someone who can make me laugh, and someone I feel completely comfortable around! Looks are also a great thing too of course.
16. Favourite quote?
I don't really have one overall favourite quote, but i'm really loving the quotes from F.Scott Fitzgerald, especially "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall".
I don't really have one overall favourite quote, but i'm really loving the quotes from F.Scott Fitzgerald, especially "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall".
17. Favourite Actor?
Leonardo DiCaprio or Channing Tatum
Leonardo DiCaprio or Channing Tatum
18. Favourite colour?
I don't actually have one favourite colour! I'm a huge fan of pastel shades - pinks, lilacs, greens, blues and so on. I also love silver and mint!
I don't actually have one favourite colour! I'm a huge fan of pastel shades - pinks, lilacs, greens, blues and so on. I also love silver and mint!
19. Loud music or soft?
Somewhere in the middle.
Somewhere in the middle.
20. Where do you go when you're sad?
I go to my room, turn all my lights out and put my headphones in.
I go to my room, turn all my lights out and put my headphones in.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
If i'm washing my hair about 15 minutes!
If i'm washing my hair about 15 minutes!
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About an hour in total.
About an hour in total.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
24. Turn on?
Gorgeous eyes, nice smile and someone who can make me laugh.
Gorgeous eyes, nice smile and someone who can make me laugh.
25. Turn off?
26. The reason I joined Youtube (or in this case blogging?)
It seemed like such a great way of sharing your views and interests with people who have similar interests to you.
It seemed like such a great way of sharing your views and interests with people who have similar interests to you.
27. Fears?
Needles - I have such a huge needle phobia!
Needles - I have such a huge needle phobia!
28. Last thing that made you cry?
I cried with laughter during a conversation with a certain guy last week!
I cried with laughter during a conversation with a certain guy last week!
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
This morning when I was on the phone with my nanny aww
This morning when I was on the phone with my nanny aww
30. Meaning behind your youtube (blogger) name?
It's one of my favourite quotes by John Lennon. It's a tad long for a blog name and I keep meaning to change it but to be honest I've grown quite attached to it!
It's one of my favourite quotes by John Lennon. It's a tad long for a blog name and I keep meaning to change it but to be honest I've grown quite attached to it!
31. Last book you read?
I re-read Unsaid Things, the McFly book!
I re-read Unsaid Things, the McFly book!
32. The book you're currently reading?
I'm not reading anything at the moment - but my head is constantly in my maths revision guide preparing for my exam in 2 weeks!
I'm not reading anything at the moment - but my head is constantly in my maths revision guide preparing for my exam in 2 weeks!
33. Last show you watched?
34. Last person you talked to?
My cousin!
My cousin!
35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
I texted one of my best friends Leonie!
I texted one of my best friends Leonie!
36. Favourite food?
Chinese chicken chow mein, egg fried rice and vegetable spring rolls! I could actually live on that meal alone!
Chinese chicken chow mein, egg fried rice and vegetable spring rolls! I could actually live on that meal alone!
37. Place you want to visit?
I really want to visit the USA - especially New York, LA and Florida!
I really want to visit the USA - especially New York, LA and Florida!
38. Last place you were?
My cousin's room!
My cousin's room!
39. Do you have a crush?
40. Last time you kissed someone?
I kissed my little sister on the cheek a minute ago!
I kissed my little sister on the cheek a minute ago!
41. Last time you were insulted?
Last night by my two best friends on Skype!
Last night by my two best friends on Skype!
42. Favourite flavour of sweet?
43. What instruments do you play?
I can play the flute a little bit but I haven't played it for ages!
I can play the flute a little bit but I haven't played it for ages!
44. Favourite piece of jewellery?
A ring, that brings back lots of lovely memories!
A ring, that brings back lots of lovely memories!
45. Last sport you played?
I have an issue with my hips at the moment so I haven't played sports since about November last year!
I have an issue with my hips at the moment so I haven't played sports since about November last year!
46. Last song you sang?
Wings by Little Mix, in an opera style with my sister in the car last night.
Wings by Little Mix, in an opera style with my sister in the car last night.
47. Favourite chat up line?
I don't really have one... they really irritate me.
I don't really have one... they really irritate me.
48. Have you ever used it?
Well I don't have one so no.
Well I don't have one so no.
49. Last time you hung out with anyone?
My cousins last night and now.
My cousins last night and now.
50. Who should answer these questions next?
Any of you who want to!
Any of you who want to!
Lots of love
Chloe xxx
Room Inspiration: Dressing Table
Over the last few days I've been starting to notice that my dressing table has been getting so cluttered it's stopped being as practical and lovely as it should be. I have a gorgeous soft pink shabby chic style dressing table with a huge mirror, and I see it as the main feature of my room so I want to get it back into the beautiful organised state it once was in.
I will happily admit that I have more beauty products that I probably actually need that's never really going to change. Although my dressing table is amazing it's not the most practical space wise (even when it is all neat and tidy) and I think that's why it gets so cluttered.
So I've turned to two of my most loved websites - Pinterest and Tumblr - to give me some inspiration for ways organise my dressing table and all my products, and I thought i'd share some of my best finds with you ~

source: tumblr
I love the way matching makeup bags have been used to keep all the products neat and organised! And I love the little soap and glory corner of the dressing table. Soap and Glory products have such cute packaging so it's so good to show it off.

source: pinterest
This dressing table has little trays for each of the different types of product - face, perfumes and so on, and it looks so good! I especially love how the trays are quite vintage - the sort of things you'd find in a charity shop or at a car boot sale.
I also love the glass container for the cotton buds, cotton pads and what looks like hair grips - perfect for keeping them all together. You can find similar pots on ebay here.

source: tumblr
This photo caught my eye because of the lovely way the nail polish is stored. It looks so well organised and I love how you can see each individual colour. You can pick up a nail polish similar to this one on ebay here.
I also love the pot used to hold all the makeup brushes. I have a little jar, I got from the shabby chic section of my local antiques centre, that I hold my brushes in, and it's a perfect way of keeping them all together.

source: pinterest
This is a great way of storing your the products you use everyday! Pop a cute little basket or tray on the top of your dressing table and keep all your daily essentials in there. That makes them easy to grab when you need them! My favourite tray is from Sass and Belle, and you can find it here.
How do you organise your dressing table?
And would you be interested in seeing a 'dressing table tour' style post once I get it all organised? Let me know!
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
October Wishlist
As we get into the colder months I always face the issue of the lack of winter clothing in my wardrobe, which gives me an excuse to go shopping, although to be honest, do you really need an excuse?. I thought I'd share with you a few of the lovely pieces (both clothing and beauty) I have my eye on this month.
1. Miss Selfridge Burgundy Waffle Jumper
I love a good warm jumper in the winter months and this is no exception. But when it's a colour this gorgeous I challenge anyone to not fall in love with this jumper!
2. Essie Nail Polish 'Sand Tropez'
Apart from the obvious dark red/purple shades, one nail look I love this time of year is neutral nails. I spend most of the summer months with fairly bright nails so I always like to really tone it down during autumn and winter. I saw this Essie shade in Boots yesterday and it was so hard to drag myself away from it so I could catch my train on time.
3. Soap and Glory Heel Genius
I have a huge thing about my feet being in a good condition, so I'm always on the look out for a good product to help me do that. I've had my eye on heel genius for a while as soap and glory are one of my favourite brands and they always work wonders for my skin.
4. Topshop C Midi Initial Ring
I popped into Topshop last week and I immediately spotted this ring on the jewellery stand. It's a lovely little gold ring with your initial on it, and supposed to be a midi ring but i have the tiniest fingers in the world (even though i'm practically a giant - how does that work?) so it actually fits on my finger as a normal ring. I wanted to buy it there and then but sadly they didn't have a C, shame on you Topshop! They never seem to have a C on any of their initials products, does anyone else have this issue with their initial?
5. Topshop Borg Lined Parka Jacket
Zoella feautured this on her Autumn and Winter Fashion Haul and I fell in love with it. I love a good parka and even though I already own one, it's pretty simple and doesn't have the stunning fur line that this one does. I'm off to France in November with school and it's going to be absolutely freezing because i'm going to be spending most of the time on a beach (can someone please explain to me why on earth you'd go to the beach in November?) so I might just have to treat myself to this coat to prevent me freezing to death...
6. Benefit 'They're Real' Mascara
I popped into the newly opened Benefit store on Carnaby Street in London yesterday and it is so lovely in there! I could have brought everything if my purse had allowed me to. I spent ages debating whether or not to purchase this mascara as although I have seen so many bloggers rave about how amazing it is, I wasn't sure I could pay around £20 for a mascara, so ! walked away. But you know when you regret something the minute you don't do it? I really wish I'd brought it now! I promise ! will next time.
7. Topshop Basket Stitch Infinity Scarf
Autumn and Winter are all about infinity scarves for me. I own far too many but I love them. They're amazing at keeping you warm and they look so cute! This one is in a fabulous red shade that just screams autumn. I might just have to treat myself next time I'm in Topshop.
8. Forever 21 Runaround Combat Boots
I love military boots (or combat boots as they're called here - is it an American term?) and I live in my black Primark ones in Winter. When I saw these on the Forever 21 website I fell in love! I've never owned a brown pair before for some reason but I really want to! They're so practical and comfy, perfect for autumn walks, and I always find they look fab with a parka.
So those were the items on my October wishlist. Have you got any of them? Or are they also featured on your October wishlist?
If you've done a post similar to this, leave me a link and i'll have a nosey!
Lots of Love
Chloe xxx
Bedtime Reading
I love a good book all year round but when it gets to the lovely autumn/winter time we're venturing into now, my love and passion for reading just increases and I love nothing more than curling up in front of the fire and reading for hours on end. As a self confessed book addict, I've journeyed into the minds of so many of the best loved Young Adult authors, with the likes of Sarah Dessen, John Green and Nicholas Sparks being my favourites, and I thought I'd share with you a few of the books you're most likely to see me with over the next few months:
Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie
I first read this book about a year ago when I came across it in my school library and I was instantly hooked. The next day I actually back getting the next book in the 3 book series, after completing this beauty in just one evening. The series follows Lauren, young girl who was kidnapped when she was a toddler and adopted by and couple in London who had no idea about what had happened to her. This first book is set when Lauren is 14 and is first starting to ask questions about her past, and you see her travel halfway across the world to the USA to track down her birth family. Without giving too much away, most of the plot revolves around the reappearance of the people who kidnapped Lauren all those years ago. The other two books in the series are set 2 and then 8 years after the original story took place. This series got mixed reviews but I have absolutely fallen in love with it and I'd really recommend it, especially people who (like me) wouldn't normally go for the adventure style books. My favourite book in the series is the second - Sister Missing, as I think it has the juiciest plot but I'd really recommend starting with this book first. I'd recommend this book for young girls between the ages of 13 (if you have a high reading level) and about 17.
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
I thought I was a bit late to jump on the bandwagon with this book as I first picked it up at the start of the year but when I was doing a bit of research into the book especially for this blog post I found out it only came out last year! This book is the #1 New York Times Bestseller and after reading it, I can fully understand why! It follows Hazel, a 16 year old girl with Stage IV Thyroid Cancer who has been on an oxygen tank since she was first diagnosed and is currently taking an experimental (and fictional) treatment to help buy her some time. At one of her cancer support meetings she meets Augustus Waters, one of the most charismatic fictional characters I've ever seen, who is in remission but lost a leg during his struggle with cancer. The story follows their heart-warming friendship as they support each other through their battles. I don't want to spoil the ending for you (although i'm sure you'll have guessed what happens) but I do strongly believe the author wrote the best ending he possibly could have. Whilst reading this book i went through every single emotion you can possibly go through with a book and at the end i felt like the book had torn out my heart and cut it into a million pieces. It's such a touching story and by the end of it you could hardly read the book again i'd cried on it so much. One of the best thing about this book is so many people would enjoy it! I think both female and male readers over the age of about 14 would love this novel.
Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher
I pre-ordered this book before it came out after hearing about it through the McFly boys, as the author Giovanna is married to Tom, one of their members, and it is one of my favourite books I've read this year. It's got so much charm to it and it's one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever heard. The book follows Sophie, a young girl living a perfectly normal life in the country, who falls for Billy, a super famous actor who wants to make it to the top. The story shows the ups and downs of their relationship, and explores how Sophie copes being thrown into the limelight. I honestly couldn't put this book down from the minute I read the first page. The main character Sophie is so relatable and the way the author wrote the book really makes you feel almost a part of their world. Billy and Me has to be the best debut novel I've ever read and i'd recommend it to any girl who loves a good old romance. I wouldn't call Billy and Me a YA novel in the slightest, I personally think that this is an amazing novel that can be enjoyed by all women 14+.
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
This was an amazing charity shop find the day before I flew out to Turkey in the summer and I'm so happy I found it! I love Sarah Dessen as an author, I think the way she creates the most relatable characters and puts them in fairly realistic plots is incredible, and this book was no exception. It follows Macy, a young girl silently struggling with her dad's death and facing a summer apart from her boyfriend. She meets a new group of people and becomes really close to them, with a guy named Wes becoming extra special to her. In this book you see Macy let go and start to enjoy herself rather than trying to be perfect all of the time and I think that's something most young girls can relate to. I rarely put this book down while I was on holiday and I was so sad when it came to an end! I even read it again on the plane home! This is the perfect teen romance novel and in my opinion, it's best for girls between the ages of about 14 and 20.
Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt
I picked up this book when I popped into Waterstones with my friend in the summer. I say popped but really I think we must have spent almost an hour in there debating which books to get as part of their 'Buy One get One Half Price' offer! I ended up buying this book as one of my two for the offer and I love it! It follows Jenna, who's trying to rebuild her life after a car crash that leaves two young girls (including her best friend) dead and her face badly scared from terrible burns. She meets Ryan, a good looking traveller who looks past Jenna's scars and they form a fantastic friendship. The novel really explores peoples views on beauty and how we treat people differently based on the way they look and I can't applaud the author more for that. It also explores a few other issues such as a teenagers first real relationship. This has become one of my favourite books and no matter how many times I read it, I never get bored of the characters or the plot - one sign of an incredible author. Skin Deep is supposed to be a book for teenagers but I'd say that it would be a good read for anyone over the age of about 13, not just teens.
What are your favourite books right now? And can you recommend any you think I'd enjoy?
Lots of Love
Chloe xx
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