Continuing with the theme of trying new post styles, I mentioned in my last post, today I'm here in true fashion blogger style with a fancy pants "on location" outfit post. This is the first time I've branched out into fashion blogging in this way and fingers crossed it will go down a treat. However, I am going to be staying true to myself and this blog, by having a good old ramble in between the photos.
At the moment, in good old Britain, we're in the spring/summer transition period weather-wise. One day it can be perfect 'relaxing in the pub garden, in true British style' weather (drinking a non-alcoholic beverage of choice of course - I'm only sixteen) - 20 degrees with brilliant sunshine and not a single cloud in the sky. The next day the weather can take a bit of a bad turn and grace us with the presence of lots of horrible rain storms along with the oh so terrifying thunder and lightning.
However, I think (fingers and toes crossed of course) that the weather may be starting to improve and my outfit choices over the past week or so have definitely started to reflect that. My woolly-jumpers and thick tights have been pushed into the back of my wardrobe, out of sight, and playsuits and dresses are making an appearances once again.
Playsuits, or 'rompers' as I believe some people prefer to refer to them as, are a staple in my summer wardrobe. I own far too many. What I love about them is, they're so versitile and practical, and really make life easy for a girl like me, who isn't really a fan of putting lots of effort into piecing together clothing items together every morning to make a lovely outfit. Just chuck a playsuit on, accessorize a bit, and you're good to go. Fab.
This playsuit is one I brought a month or two ago from ASOS, to wear for my 'Celebration Day' at school. Celebration Day is essentially a day of fun for year 11 to celebrate the end of our five years at the school. It really was a lovely day, filled with bouncy castles, pizza, laughter and reminising. I recieved a fair few compliments throughout the day, in reference to my playsuit, which is always lovely, isn't it? The playsuit has a stunning sweetheart neckline and it's quite flattering, and really really comfy. The shorts are quite baggy, which makes it look quite like a dress from a distance, which I thought was quite nice.
I paired the playsuit with a black oversized cardigan from Forever 21, and my Converse. I'm also actually wearing nude-coloured tights in the photos, because it was a bit of a chilly day, which explains why my legs look a tad on the tanned side.
Apologies for the oh so awkward posing featured in all of the photos. For some unknown reason, I chose to photograph the outfit during prime dog walking time. Everytime I started to look slightly like a proper fashion blogger, an old lady would walk past with her dog and have a good old nosey at what I was doing, making me so self-consious, so I had to settle with these.
If you want to see some more fashion posts like this (the photos will be less awkward next time - promise) let me know and I'll get cracking!
Playsuit: ASOS
Cardigan: Forever 21*
Shoes: Converse
*no longer avaliable