I wanted to ring in the new year by sharing my 2023 bookish resolutions. The hope is that not only will sharing this resolutions list publicly hold me more accountable for actually sticking to these goals but that it will also provide inspiration for the creation of your own bookish resolutions for 2023.
So without further ado, here are my 2023 bookish resolutions:
Read 52 books
This year my goodreads goal is 52 books. I didn't have a very successful reading year in 2022 but this is something I'd like to actively try and change in this coming year. I've set my goal at 52 so I can aim for one book a week and this seems like a reasonable goal for me in line with my current reading habits and the speed that I read.
I recognise that to read at least one book a week I'm going to have to maintain a good momentum with my reading so I've started to get into the habit of always having my next few books queued up and ready to start as soon as I finish my current read.
Read one chapter a day
This second resolution was chosen to support me in working towards my goal of 52 books. Reading a minimum of one chapter a day (when realistically we know I'll sit down with the intention of reading one and end up reading at least five chapters) will help me to make the daily progress I'll need to in order to complete one book a week.
Branch out and explore a range of genres
I'm absolutely guilty of sticking like glue to a single genre so in 2023 I'd like to challenge myself to branch out and dip my toes into a range of different genres. The start of a new year is the perfect time to broaden your horizons and stretch out of your reading comfort zone.
Historical fiction currently has me in such a chokehold that a good 75% of the books I read in 2022 were from within the genre and whilst it's great to have a favourite genre you're really passionate about, I'm keen to expand the breadth of my reading and explore something new.
Diversify my reading list
I'll put my hands up and admit that my reading tends to be dominated by white female authors. Whilst this is unintentional, I do hold myself responsible for not making more of an effort to diversify my reading and I plan to change this in 2023. I'm aiming to read more books written by BAME authors and with BAME characters and, whilst I already read a large number of books which feature queer representation, I'd like to delve into more books with trans and nonbinary characters. I'd also like to continue my conscious effort to read more books with disabled representation, particularly books with neurodivergent protagonists and mental health themes.
Read books in a variety of formats
As a paperback lover through and through I tend to read only books in that format but I'm keen to add a bit of variety to my reading, particularly as I currently tend to be late to the party with new releases as I have to wait for the paperback publication. I've started using eBooks to access the ARCs I'm sent through NetGalley and have a few hardbacks on my physical TBR list so 2023 will be the year I branch out and explore books in a range of formats.
Create a physical TBR database
Anyone else often find themselves in a bookshop looking at a book that sounds amazing but they can't for the life of them remember if they already own it? I know I am definitely guilty of this. To combat this, I am keen to create a database of all of the books I own, which can be sorted by author, genre and whether or not I've read it. This will be the perfect past time for a rainy day and it'll be really helpful for helping me to avoid buying duplicates or leaving wonderful book bargains behind in fear I already own them.
Publish regular bookish blog posts
One of my big 2023 goals is to maintain a regular posting schedule here on Yours, Chloe and as part of that I want to aim to publish at least one bookish post a week. This will be a mixture of reviews, including reviews of ARCs I've been kindly sent, monthly reading summaries and other bookish content. I summarised my blog post schedule in my relaunch post (which you can find here), but in short the plan will be:
Wednesday: Wellness Wednesday
You can expect posts about mental health and wellbeing, including self-care, mindfulness and personal growth.
Sunday: Bookish Sunday
This is my day to post about all things literature. You can expect book reviews, roundups of what I've been reading, book suggestions and hopefully a few blog tours and other bookish content thrown in for good measures.
You may see the odd bonus post on a Friday depending on how busy the week/month is in terms of new releases and my ARC review commitments.
What are your 2023 bookish resolutions?
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