As much as I don't want to admit it, in a matter of months I'll be twenty. Six months to be exact. The prospect of no longer being a teenager is a tad on the scary side. I know age is just a number and I'll feel no different aged twenty to how I currently feel aged nineteen but simply entering my twenties feels like a step into (proper) adulthood. I'll be honest, it's a change I'm not quite ready to fully acknowledge nor accept just yet.
I've had a little think about the fact that I'm approaching the end of my teenage years and come to the conclusion that there's a selection of things I'd like to do/accomplish in the next six months. Twenty things before I turn twenty.
I consulted my trusty 101 in 1001 to collate this list, picking off elements of my short-term bucket list which not only I'd like to do in the next six months but also which will be realistically possible for me to fit in. I've also picked a number of just general goals I'd like to also include.
1. Read fifty new books.
Ok so maybe fifty is a bit of an impossible total but I'm going to do my best. I absolutely adore reading and one of my happy places is curled up on the sofa with a blanket, a hot chocolate and a book. There's a number of books on my bookshelf which I can't wait to get my teeth into and don't you fret, I'll make sure to feature them on here.
2. Get back into card making.
When I was younger I was really into card making and actually sold my cards at a local craft fair once. I still find crafting really therapeutic so would like to break back into it. All of my crafting supplies are just gathering dust under my bed so I might as well put them to use.
3. Drink six glasses of water a day.
My water drinking is very up and down; some days I'll drink practically a swimming pools worth, some days I won't drink any. Awful I know. But I am determined to change that and would like to set a goal of at least six glasses of water a day.
4. Shop at a vintage fair.
Oh boy do I love me a good vintage fair, but I haven't been to one in far too long. I'm going to start searching facebook for vintage fairs in Yorkshire and get myself there to browse the vintage goodness.
5. Arrange a surprise day out for someone.
Not naming names of course, just on the off chance they have a nosey through my blog, but I'd like to treat someone special to a lovely day out. I'm not talking a ten course meal or a 5* hotel, something cheap and cheerful would be just lovely. Whatever it is I want to plan plan plan to tailor the day to be right up their street and bring a smile to someone I love.
6. Complete five pinterest-inspired craft projects.
We're all guilty of repinning DIY projects that we're realistically never actually going to make and I'm a bit fed up of it. Next time I see a crafty project I'm a fan of, I'm going to set aside time to get making.
7. Stick to a blogging routine.
Life has been very in the way recently and as a result blogging has had to take a back seat. I'm getting back to it though and returning to the 'proper blogger routine' of writing, photographing, sharing on social media etc. By the time my birthday comes I hope I'll have stuck to this routine and will be giving my blog a good go again.
8. Volunteer for a cause I'm passionate about.
Even if it's just a one-off volunteering opportunity I'd like to dedicate some of my time to supporting a cause in my local area.
9. Try new independent coffee shops and restaurants.
I'm definitely the kind of person who sticks to what they know in terms of places to eat. I'll sometimes be adventurous when I get there and order something new (woah calm down Chloe) but I very much like eating in an environment that I know well, especially chain restaurants. My anxiety is to blame unfortunately. I do love trying new food though so in the last six months of my teenage years I'd like to dine or drink at more independent locations.
10. Put together a scrapbook (or start).
As I've mentioned before, I do love me a good craft project. I made a scrapbook covering most of my gap year (although it's yet to be finished - oops) and I'd like to do the same for 2018. I love looking through my parents photo albums and I'd love to have some of my own to look at.
11. Take my camera out with me more.
I love taking photos but tend to be limited by the capabilities of my iPhone. I'd like to start taking my camera out on adventures with me so I can capture the memories that are being made. Lifestyle 'follow me around' blog posts are some of my favourites to write (and also read) and more photos means more blog post material. Win win.
12. Have a sleepover.
It does make me sad that it's not common practise in the world of grown-ups to still have sleepovers with your friends. You know the pj party, takeaway, films, sweets and gossip till 3am kind of sleepovers; I'm bringing them back.
13. Complete a colouring book.
Yes I know, I did start this post blabbering on about becoming a grown up to then include a rather childish activity on my list, but bear with me. At the moment I'm really into mindfulness colouring as a self-care practise and I'm keen to fit it more into my daily routine.
14. Get active!
Let's be clear, I'm not talking doing marathons or attending two fitness classes everyday, but I'd like to increase my heart rate a little more than I do at the moment. It will be really good for not only my physical health but also my mental health. I'm lucky enough to have free gym access in my student accommodation so there really is no excuse.
15. Attend a blogging event.
Boy do I miss blogging events. I'd love to start attending more meet ups and events in the new year. There seems to be a fair bit going on in the blogging world now I live up in Sheffield and I'm excited to get involved with it all.
16. Try some new recipes.
I love cooking but sometimes struggle to find the motivation to try new recipes, in fear that they will go wrong. But I'd like to get the cookbooks out, my chefs hat on, and try some new dishes.
17. Remember to take vitamins.
My mum's always reminding me to take my vitamins and it's about time I started listening to her. With any luck it'll start to help the never-ending cold university life has given me.
18. Have more 'day dates' with my boyfriend.
Whilst we're at university, my boyfriend and I live in two different cities. We're lucky that they're not too far apart - just different parts of Yorkshire - so we get to see each other every weekend, alternating who visits who. As a couple we've always been very into chilling (i.e lying in bed watching films and eating food all weekend) and whilst that is lovely, I'd like to make the most of the time we have together and go on more day dates. They don't have to be fancy pants expensive dates, simply a lovely walk or trip to a coffee shop will do.
19. Start swimming more.
I love swimming, I really do, and I used to do it at least once a week. But as I got older and my skin became far from perfect I began to avoid swimming so I wouldn't have to face the world bare-faced. I have got better at this as I've got older; I don't mind swimming when I'm at a hotel now which is better than it would be. But I'd like to find the courage to start swimming more regularly at my local pool. I'm sure it won't take much to persuade my ex-swimmer boyfriend to come along.
20. Watch more films.
I love a good film night and there are so many films on my to-watch list. All of my current film watching time is taken up by watching Star Wars ahead of the new release but after Christmas I'd like to start working through my netflix queue.
Have you got any goals you'd like to achieve before your next birthday?
Ok so maybe fifty is a bit of an impossible total but I'm going to do my best. I absolutely adore reading and one of my happy places is curled up on the sofa with a blanket, a hot chocolate and a book. There's a number of books on my bookshelf which I can't wait to get my teeth into and don't you fret, I'll make sure to feature them on here.
2. Get back into card making.
When I was younger I was really into card making and actually sold my cards at a local craft fair once. I still find crafting really therapeutic so would like to break back into it. All of my crafting supplies are just gathering dust under my bed so I might as well put them to use.
3. Drink six glasses of water a day.
My water drinking is very up and down; some days I'll drink practically a swimming pools worth, some days I won't drink any. Awful I know. But I am determined to change that and would like to set a goal of at least six glasses of water a day.
4. Shop at a vintage fair.
Oh boy do I love me a good vintage fair, but I haven't been to one in far too long. I'm going to start searching facebook for vintage fairs in Yorkshire and get myself there to browse the vintage goodness.
5. Arrange a surprise day out for someone.
Not naming names of course, just on the off chance they have a nosey through my blog, but I'd like to treat someone special to a lovely day out. I'm not talking a ten course meal or a 5* hotel, something cheap and cheerful would be just lovely. Whatever it is I want to plan plan plan to tailor the day to be right up their street and bring a smile to someone I love.
6. Complete five pinterest-inspired craft projects.
We're all guilty of repinning DIY projects that we're realistically never actually going to make and I'm a bit fed up of it. Next time I see a crafty project I'm a fan of, I'm going to set aside time to get making.
7. Stick to a blogging routine.
Life has been very in the way recently and as a result blogging has had to take a back seat. I'm getting back to it though and returning to the 'proper blogger routine' of writing, photographing, sharing on social media etc. By the time my birthday comes I hope I'll have stuck to this routine and will be giving my blog a good go again.
8. Volunteer for a cause I'm passionate about.
Even if it's just a one-off volunteering opportunity I'd like to dedicate some of my time to supporting a cause in my local area.
9. Try new independent coffee shops and restaurants.
I'm definitely the kind of person who sticks to what they know in terms of places to eat. I'll sometimes be adventurous when I get there and order something new (woah calm down Chloe) but I very much like eating in an environment that I know well, especially chain restaurants. My anxiety is to blame unfortunately. I do love trying new food though so in the last six months of my teenage years I'd like to dine or drink at more independent locations.
10. Put together a scrapbook (or start).
As I've mentioned before, I do love me a good craft project. I made a scrapbook covering most of my gap year (although it's yet to be finished - oops) and I'd like to do the same for 2018. I love looking through my parents photo albums and I'd love to have some of my own to look at.
11. Take my camera out with me more.
I love taking photos but tend to be limited by the capabilities of my iPhone. I'd like to start taking my camera out on adventures with me so I can capture the memories that are being made. Lifestyle 'follow me around' blog posts are some of my favourites to write (and also read) and more photos means more blog post material. Win win.
12. Have a sleepover.
It does make me sad that it's not common practise in the world of grown-ups to still have sleepovers with your friends. You know the pj party, takeaway, films, sweets and gossip till 3am kind of sleepovers; I'm bringing them back.
13. Complete a colouring book.
Yes I know, I did start this post blabbering on about becoming a grown up to then include a rather childish activity on my list, but bear with me. At the moment I'm really into mindfulness colouring as a self-care practise and I'm keen to fit it more into my daily routine.
14. Get active!
Let's be clear, I'm not talking doing marathons or attending two fitness classes everyday, but I'd like to increase my heart rate a little more than I do at the moment. It will be really good for not only my physical health but also my mental health. I'm lucky enough to have free gym access in my student accommodation so there really is no excuse.
15. Attend a blogging event.
Boy do I miss blogging events. I'd love to start attending more meet ups and events in the new year. There seems to be a fair bit going on in the blogging world now I live up in Sheffield and I'm excited to get involved with it all.
16. Try some new recipes.
I love cooking but sometimes struggle to find the motivation to try new recipes, in fear that they will go wrong. But I'd like to get the cookbooks out, my chefs hat on, and try some new dishes.
17. Remember to take vitamins.
My mum's always reminding me to take my vitamins and it's about time I started listening to her. With any luck it'll start to help the never-ending cold university life has given me.
18. Have more 'day dates' with my boyfriend.
Whilst we're at university, my boyfriend and I live in two different cities. We're lucky that they're not too far apart - just different parts of Yorkshire - so we get to see each other every weekend, alternating who visits who. As a couple we've always been very into chilling (i.e lying in bed watching films and eating food all weekend) and whilst that is lovely, I'd like to make the most of the time we have together and go on more day dates. They don't have to be fancy pants expensive dates, simply a lovely walk or trip to a coffee shop will do.
19. Start swimming more.
I love swimming, I really do, and I used to do it at least once a week. But as I got older and my skin became far from perfect I began to avoid swimming so I wouldn't have to face the world bare-faced. I have got better at this as I've got older; I don't mind swimming when I'm at a hotel now which is better than it would be. But I'd like to find the courage to start swimming more regularly at my local pool. I'm sure it won't take much to persuade my ex-swimmer boyfriend to come along.
20. Watch more films.
I love a good film night and there are so many films on my to-watch list. All of my current film watching time is taken up by watching Star Wars ahead of the new release but after Christmas I'd like to start working through my netflix queue.
Have you got any goals you'd like to achieve before your next birthday?
Ooh what a good list!! :D
ReplyDeleteI felt like this when I was 19 :) Now I'm 22 and honestly, I would not go back, I love my 20's!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great little list, a lot of the point you made are things that I need to do more of! Being in your 20s is great though so don't worry!
ReplyDeleteHolly x