Boy it's been a little while hasn't it? The first sixth months of my eighteenth year of life (since I turned the ripe old age of seventeen for all of those among us who aren't particularly keen mathematicians) have been a rather hectic bunch to say the least, so sadly my little blog has been left to gather dust in the corner.
Before I proceed to get my blogging backside into gear and return to my regular little rambles, I thought it would be a jolly nice idea to sit down together and have a bit of a catch up. I must admit, one of the things that fuels my passion for blogging is my inner nosiness; I'm a sucker for a good in-depth life lately ramble so that is exactly what I've got up my sleeve today.
Looking back at the horror that is the sure lack of posts on this little blog over the past few months, I noticed that my last good ol' catch up post dates back to around May 2015. Not wanting to miss a single instagrammed piece of cake or shopping trip splurge, I think I'll start all the way back then. However as I'm sure you have far too many advent calendars to be eating and Christmas carols to be singing (it is now December after all) I'll try and keep it short and sweet.
Being seventeen, my life revolves around the joy that is school. I sat my AS Levels in May and achieved results that I was (mostly) thoroughly surprised, yet pleased about. Not achieving complete-failure allowed me to pass through the gates into year thirteen; something I've definitely been having a love/hate relationship with so far. I study English Literature, Religious Studies and Sociology, three subjects that - for the most part - I completely adore. The workload has indeed been tremendous and the pressure rocketing sky-high but I dare say I'm slowly but surely getting it under my belt. I'm now thinking ahead to my desired location come September 2016 and have battled the terror that is UCAS to apply to a university, or five. My plan for next year is not 100% set in stone yet but I'm simply trying to live in the present, keeping my options open and preparing to cross that decision-making bridge as and when I reach it.
Since we last spoke I also feel like I've come on leaps and bounds working part-time. I'm going to be honest, for the best part of twenty-fifteen my job has been an extra source of anxiety, as a result of my desire to constantly achieve perfection and keep everybody (customers and colleagues alike) as happy as possible. I feel like in the last few months I've learnt how to enjoy my job. That may sound silly, but I genuinely love going to work now. I adore the people I work with and love interacting with the customers (for the most part that is, there's always going to be a couple that aren't your cup of tea and leave you smiling through gritted teeth). Finding a job that you genuinely love, particularly when you're working part-time as a student, is a rarity it seems so I couldn't be happier.
(I have just realised how so incredibly soppy that previous paragraph sounds so, if you come across me in a work environment as a customer or colleague please don't judge me too much.)
A further new entry to my life is a level of self-confidence. Whilst I've always on the whole been a fairly confident person (or so I like to make out to those around me), I definitely have some insecurities; particularly in regards to my appearance. Don't get me wrong, these insecurities have by no means disappeared and there is still many a day where I stand by my mirror wishing that my skin was clearer or x part of my body looked different. But in general, I've become much more accepting of the way I look. Such an idea is well represented by the ever increasing number of photos featuring my face on social media. Whilst a solo selfie may still be a rarity in my life, I'm slowly but surely getting into a position of enjoying being the one in front of the lens as opposed to behind it, as a result of my increased acceptance of myself.
So that's us well and truly re-acquainted, don't you think? I'm going to try my upmost hardest to get my blogging schedule back up to scratch over the month of December, I promise. Whilst I don't think Blogmas is an at all attainable goal, perhaps a target of at least three posts a week will suit me nicely?
I hope you're having a truly lovely start to December, wherever in the world your feet currently tred.
I love reading this kind of post! As a fellow year 13-er trying to balance A-levels with everything else, I know exactly how you feel haha. It's so easy to feel that studying takes over everything isn't it?
ReplyDeleteReally nice to hear that you're feeling more confident too - it's so easy to pick faults in ourself but you certainly have no reason not to be confident you pretty lady :)
Looking forward to reading your December posts!
Lily x